Our Resources
Our comprehensive package of CBT resources will provide your staff with the tools and confidence to positively support the most common student issues from mental health to behaviour.
Our adolescent and young adults resources are designed with secondary schools and colleges in mind. Our children resources are designed with primary schools in mind.
Alongside the resource packages, we also provide a FREE half-termly support webinar AND an online helpdesk to ask for advice on using the resources with students.
Pastoral Handbook for Children or Adolescents & Young Adults – containing over 90 worksheets and activities that can be used to help staff working pastorally with students. They can be used with individuals or with groups. Worksheets and activities are grouped into the following categories:
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Attendance
- Behaviour Management
- Bereavement
- Bullying – Perpetrator
- Bullying – Target
- Exam Anxiety
- Friendship Issues
- Low Mood/Depression
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Harm (Secondary/College only)
- Social Skills
- Transition
SEN Handbook – worksheets and activities specifically written to support students with ADHD, ASC, conduct issues, Dyslexia including:
- Developing independent learning skills
- Meta cognition
- Emotion coaching
- Developing problem solving skills
- Flexible thinking skills
- Affective education
- Managing explosive emotions
- Recognising and rethinking triggers
- Work positively with others
- Organisation strategies and techniques
- Reframing failure
Intervention Programmes
Changing Patterns (Behaviour Management) – help young people change negative patterns of behaviour, to understand how they currently think and react, and to consider how they can change this to behave/react in more positive ways.
Exam Anxiety – provide students with tools and strategies to manage their anxiety so that it doesn’t impact their performance and life. It helps them to rationalise their negative thoughts and replace them with more realistic ones.
Managing Anxiety (Anxiety) – help students look at the possible causes for their anxiety, rationalise their anxiety and learn strategies to manage it so that it doesn’t negatively impact their life. It discusses that everyone experiences anxiety, to expect none is unrealistic, and that it is how we manage anxiety that affects our mental well-being.
Ready to Go (Attendance) – for students with emotionally based school avoidance, or students returning after a long absence. It helps students discuss and rationalise their concerns and develop a plan.
Resources available:
- Pastoral Handbooks – a range of worksheets and activities to help staff working pastorally with students.
- SEN Handbook – a range of worksheets and activities specifically targeted at students with ADHD, ASC, conduct issues, Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties.
- Intervention Programmes – Programmes to target one specific issue e.g. behaviour, low attendance.
- Training – CPD Accredited training to use CBT based resources, be it ours of other peoples, and work with SEN students.
What's in the packages?
Primary Package
Secondary/College Package
Both packages contain the Pastoral Handbook, SEN Handbook, Changing Patterns (Behaviour), Exam Anxiety, Managing Anxiety and Ready to Go (EBSA) interventions. The Children package is aimed at Primary students, whilst the Adolescent and Young adults package is aimed at Secondary and College students.
Sam Explains
Primary Package Costs
- Pastoral Handbook for Children
- SEN Handbook for Children
- 4 x Targeted Intervention Programmes
- 12 month setting license – unlimited use in your setting
£320 + vat
Secondary/College Package Costs
- Pastoral Handbook for Adolescents and Young Adults
- SEN Handbook for Adolescents and Young Adults
- 4 x Targeted Intervention Programmes
- 12 month setting license – unlimited use in your setting
£380 + vat
Full Package
- Both Child and Adolescent Pastoral Handbooks
- Both Child and Adolescent SEN Handbooks
- 4 x Child Targeted Intervention Programmes
- 4 x Adolescent Targeted Intervention Programmes
- 12 month setting license – unlimited use in your setting
£500 + vat
License Renewals
Annual setting license renewals are required to continue using the Balanced Schools Resources.
Primary Renewal
£150 + vat
Secondary/College Renewal
£160 + vat
Full Package Renewal
£250 + vat
Do you deliver Interventions?
No. Our products and training are designed to empower staff to use CBT based resources in educational settings.
Can any member of staff use it?
Yes, our resources are prescriptive – basically guided conversations. We find that Pastoral Staff, Heads of Year, Teaching Assistants and SEN staff are the most common staff facilitators.
What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
CBT is a combination of Cognitive and Behavioural psychological approaches. For example; Anxiety becomes overwhelming when we become trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts. By breaking down our negative thoughts/beliefs/perceptions, we can change how we feel. This in turn changes how we behave. The CBT process teaches tools and techniques that can be used to manage our negative thought patterns. These techniques can be used throughout our lives.
Why use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
Department of Health:
“CBT effectively reduces symptoms of panic and anxiety. Behaviour therapy and cognitive therapy both appear effective in treatment of obsessional problems.”
Recommended by National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)
Routinely offered by NHS for depression & axniety.
“Research has shown cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can be as effective as medication in treating some mental health problems”
“The highly structured nature of CBT means it can be provided in different formats, including in groups…”
Recommended by Department of Education (DfE) for use in schools.
Evidence it is successful for children from 6 years of age and up:
“Cognitive Behavioural Therapy appears an effective treatment for childhood and adolescent anxiety disorders in comparison to waiting list or attention control. there was no evidence for a difference between an individual, group or parental/family format”
Will it work for everyone?
CBT doesn’t work for everyone, no. CBT is said to “work for most of the people, most of the time”. However, students may have deeper issues that need further support, or they may be resistant to change.
Are there any side-effects?
One of the many benefits of CBT is that side-effects are rare. If a student doesn’t want to engage, they just won’t engage. There has been no psychoanalysis involved. We look at moving forward from where they are, not analysing the past.
Is it suitable for any school/college?
The programmes are designed for ALL students and is being delivered in all types of schools from Independent schools to PRU’s. Training is suitable for teaching and support staff.
Are there any repeat or ongoing costs?
You can (Subject to the user license) use our resources again and again, without any additional cost. Our low-cost annual license means that you’ll always have the most up-to-date resources, without having to re-buy everything.
“This (Pastoral Handbook) is one of the best resources I’ve come across in my career. So useful for scaffolding a conversation and for planned intervention. Often the best tools we have are high quality resources utilised by those people that know a young person well. Relationships are key.”
“We have seen an excellent improvement in the behaviour of boys we have been using the Changing Patterns Behaviour programme with. It makes them think and change behaviours rather than continually repeat the same patterns.”
“All our learners all engaged with this positively and almost all completed the course. Come exam time, we were able to have one exam group with one invigilator and one staff member from our school support team. They all sat their exams in our building…
We think this was a great investment; all our learners completed their exams with less stress and anxiety, and as a provision we saved over £3000 in exam costs!”