Frequently asked questions

FAQ's about our Resources

Do you deliver Interventions?

No. Our products and training are designed to empower staff to use CBT based resources in educational settings.

Can any member of staff use it?

Yes, our resources are prescriptive – basically guided conversations.  We find that Pastoral Staff, Heads of Year, Teaching Assistants and SEN staff are the most common staff facilitators.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

CBT is a combination of Cognitive and Behavioural psychological approaches.  For example; Anxiety becomes overwhelming when we become trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts.  By breaking down our negative thoughts/beliefs/perceptions, we can change how we feel.  This in turn changes how we behave.  The CBT process teaches tools and techniques that can be used to manage our negative thought patterns.  These techniques can be used throughout our lives.

Why use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Department of Health:

“CBT effectively reduces symptoms of panic and anxiety.  Behaviour therapy and cognitive therapy both appear effective in treatment of obsessional problems.”

Recommended by National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)

Routinely offered by NHS for depression & axniety.

“Research has shown cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can be as effective as medication in treating some mental health problems”

“The highly structured nature of CBT means it can be provided in different formats, including in groups…”

Recommended by Department of Education (DfE) for use in schools.

Evidence it is successful for children from 6 years of age and up:

“Cognitive Behavioural Therapy appears an effective treatment for childhood and adolescent anxiety disorders in comparison to waiting list or attention control.  there was no evidence for a difference between an individual, group or parental/family format”

Will it work for everyone?

CBT doesn’t work for everyone, no.  CBT is said to “work for most of the people, most of the time”.  However, students may have deeper issues that need further support, or they may be resistant to change.

Are there any side-effects?

One of the many benefits of CBT is that side-effects are rare.  If a student doesn’t want to engage, they just won’t engage.  There has been no psychoanalysis involved.  We look at moving forward from where they are, not analysing the past.

Is it suitable for any school?

The programmes are designed for ALL students and is being delivered in all types of schools from Independent schools to PRU’s.  Training is suitable for teaching and support staff.

Are there any repeat or ongoing costs?

You can (Subject to the user license) use our resources again and again, without any additional cost.   Our low-cost annual license means that you’ll always have the most up-to-date resources, without having to re-buy everything.

Questions about CBT

What is CBT?


CBT is a combination of the Behaviourist and Cognitive psycho-dynamic approaches giving us Cognitive Behavioural Therapy!

The basic principles are that if we learn how to manage our negative thoughts and practise positive thoughts, we can improve our mental wellbeing.  CBT is a “talking” therapy – it’s NOT the psycho-dynamic approach of “…I will tell you what’s wrong with you…”; it’s based on working through processes to challenge thinking.

As we’ve already said, it’s not an instant fix; it has to be practised in order to become habit – for new pathways to develop fully in the brain.  There is also personal responsibility involved – you have to want to change and be prepared to try new things.

It’s also important to develop a “feedback, not failure” mindset – not everything is going to work first time!  If trying something new doesn’t work the first way, try it a different way the next time or try something else!  Any mistakes we make we always reframe as ‘feedback’… and we have a lot of feedback to learn from!

How effective is CBT?


CBT is one of the most successful forms of therapy and is widely used including in the NHS. One of the reasons it is so successful is because it doesn’t work on a ‘let’s analyse you’ basis. It works on where you are now and how you can move forward.

Is CBT effective for self-help or do I need a therapist?


CBT self-help is a form of CBT that can absolutely be done on your own, without the aid of a therapist. It involves using self-help tools such as activities, videos and podcasts to help change negative thought and behaviour patterns. If you can’t afford traditional therapy, or you want to work on your cognitive skills at your own pace, then self-guided CBT is perfect for you.


It’s also great for individuals with social anxiety or those who don’t feel comfortable opening up to a stranger. By working on your own, you don’t have to worry about anyone else, and you can take control of your progress entirely