At Balanced Schools we believe in being open about what we do. As part of that we publish regular, helpful Blog posts about looking after your mental wellbeing, CBT and counselling, and anything else we can think of that might be useful!
Try a different New Years resolution this time!
"This Year, I Resolve to Become a Zen Master Who Can Relax Without Feeling Guilty." Ah, January. That magical...
Not everyone likes Christmas and that’s ok
Christmas is often portrayed as a time of joy, cheer, and togetherness. However, for some people, it can be a source...
Anxious children – make sure you avoid these five common mistakes.
When our children suffer with overwhelming anxiety it can be very hard. Their distress causes us distress and our...
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Techniques: A Powerful Tool for Promoting Positive Mental Health in Educational Settings
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has gained significant traction in recent years as effective strategies for...
5 mistakes teachers make when beginning a new academic year
I have had the pleasure of being a speaker at many new academic year INSET days. Enthusiastic staff refreshed by the...
Promoting exercise for positive mental health? Here’s why it’s not inclusive, and it may also be wrong.
Promoting exercise for positive mental health? Here's why it's not inclusive, and it may also be wrong. Let’s be...
5 ways teachers and support staff make a difference to the world
Working in education can be incredibly demoralising. Everyone seems to have an opinion of how ‘education’ should be...
Reasons why therapy/counselling may not work
Therapy can be a very effective way to improve mental health and wellbeing but it’s not instant. It takes time and...
Being physically strong doesn’t mean you’re mentally strong
Let’s be clear, I’m not sporty. Anyone who knows me knows that. I have no desire to complete any physical challenges...