Intervention Programmes

Our intervention programmes are designed to be run over several sessions with individuals or groups of students.  The programme logistics can be adapted to suit the school timetable, and be used with individuals and groups of students.

Our programmes are being successfully used in educational settings nationwide, from PRU’s to prestigious independent schools.

Changing Patterns (Behaviour Management)

The “Changing Patterns” course is to help young people change negative patterns of behaviour, to understand how they currently think and react, and to consider how they can change this to behave/react in more positive ways.  This will lead to more positive outcomes and to end the cycle of reprimand and negative reinforcement.

Exam Anxiety

This shorter programme provides students with tools and strategies to manage their anxiety so that it doesn’t impact their performance and life.  It helps them to rationalise their negative thoughts and replace them with more realistic ones.

Managing Anxiety (Anxiety)

This programme helps students look at the possible causes for their anxiety, rationalise their anxiety and learn strategies to manage it so that it doesn’t negatively impact their life.  It discusses that everyone experiences anxiety, to expect none is unrealistic, and that it is how we manage anxiety that affects our mental well-being.

Ready to Go (Attendance)

This programme is for students with emotionally based school avoidance, or students returning after a long absence.  It helps students discuss and rationalise their concerns, and develop a plan.  Each step in the plan is discussed and planned to reduce the anxiety of the student and enable them to feel more confident and relaxed about returning to education.

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