What Balanced Schools (for staff) Members Say:
“I really love the Wednesday Wellbeing email. It makes me stop and think ‘How am I doing?’ each week.”
“Love the resources – they’re not long winded and so easy to listen to. Also love that I can watch them without worrying about anyone at school knowing. That’s put me off accessing support before.”
“There are so many resources that it can initially be overwhelming. It’s great they are categorised, and I do use the search option.”
“The Wednesday email is so useful reminding me what resources are there to help me.”
“As a senior leader, I like that it helps me, not just my staff.”
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What Balanced Schools training delegates say:
“Delivered with just the right balance of knowledge, skills, humour and interaction”
“Best course I’ve ever been on!! Very informative. Excellent delivery. Amazing!”
“I think the training offers a constructive way forward for recognising and supporting anxiety and exam anxiety in my school”
“Thank you for the laughter, insight and non-judgemental, empathetic approach… and for being honest!”
“I can’t wait to roll the resources out to our students!”
“…really good training day. Very enjoyable…”
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Monthly Newsletter sign-up
Keep up to date with all of the Balanced Schools updates, services and webinars with our Monthly Newsletter.
What do people say about Sam Garner?
“I always feel better just watching a video with Sam in. She makes me feel that she’s there for me and motivates me.”
“Sam has made such a positive difference to my mental health. I am now able to deal with my inner critic and I’ve made such strides with managing my anxiety.”
“Sam helped me feel that it’s ok to be me, I don’t need to be different or be the same as anyone else.”
“With Sam’s help I’ve actually stepped outside my comfort zone and have already made new friends. Thanks Sam”
“Whenever I watch a video of Sam I always feel like a close friend is talking to me. Someone who cares and who doesn’t make me feel that I’m crazy or wrong.”
“Sam makes me feel it’s ok to just be me.”